Meet Alannah, our new Brand Manager!

Meet Alannah, our new Brand Manager!

Meet Alannah! Our new Brand Manager!

We are over the moon to have Alannah join the Northern Pasta team. Alannah will be bringing her wisdom to spread the Northern Pasta message far and wide. You may have spotted her already on our socials but we wanted to introduce you to her properly so read on to find out more about our lovely new team member...

Tell us a bit about yourself and your working background

I've had a squiggly career, in my early twenties I was lucky enough to spend a lot of time working abroad, specifically in the Nordic countries for a travel company.
I spent five years at the household staple brand Maldon Salt, where I worked on global projects, this was a life defining role for me and I learned a lot. 
I've just spent a year working in PR, gaining experience working on purpose driven campaigns for a broad range of clients in different sectors. 
I've been working freelance since 2022, where I represent Content Creators and support brands with awareness campaigns and digital strategy.
I'm passionate about sustainable, regenerative growth in business and practice this in every project I apply myself to.
I didn't do very well at school, crumbling during exams, I didn't get good enough grades to go to university but I've never let this stop me to achieve big things for myself, those I represent and brands I support.

You've been supporting us here at Northern Pasta Co for eight months, how did that come about?

I purchased a bag of Northern Pasta on holiday in Scotland last year from Flora Shedden's Lon Store.
I tried it and sent Imogen and Matt a message the next day to say how delicious I thought it was and what a great job I thought they were doing.
My time at Maldon Salt taught me that you simply can't compromise on taste and design, few nail this and in my opinion Northern Pasta have in abundance.
The rest is sort of history now, we've pretty much spoken every day since. 
I'm a big believer in everything happens for a reason.
I also have a wirehaired dachshund just like Pickle, so it may have had something to do with that.

You're a big advocate for food seasonality, what does this mean to you?

Hugely so, I learned all about this during my time at Maldon Salt, Libby Silbermann taught me a lot  around this too.
Sadly in the UK many people don't know what to buy, and when, but once you start to learn as I did, I found it to be quite addictive. 
My biggest hope is that over the next few years, people will shop more consciously, buying British, and not  from half way around the world.
I'd also recommend following Mainly Breakfast on Instagram too, she shares a calendar update monthly on the best fruit and veg produce to buy when. 

Who inspires you in the food world?

Far too many, aside from Northern Pasta and the wonderful female content creators I represent...
I love what Abby Allen from Pipers Farm is doing, championing British farmers, building a sustainable brand for the future and bringing important topics to our attention around the food we eat.
I'd also mention Lara from Bare Bones Chocolate, someone who works incredibly hard, always makes time for others and has taught me an awful lot over the last couple of years.

Do you have any favourite brands?

I love Isle of Wight Tomatoes, Falcon Enamelware, Odysea and Origin Coffee, this list could go on and on!

Is there a brand you'd love to collab with but haven't yet?

Yes, Yeti, let's make it happen.

Favourite food trip?

I've just come back from Rome and that was incredible, but actually I think I'd have to say Madeira, it's quite a nostalgic place for me, I returned last year and had a new found appreciation for the food. Everything was from the island and there was something really wonderful about that, you got what was in season and that was that. 

Tell us a bit more about yourself

I'm married to Oli, we have two lovely dogs.
I grew up in Essex on the coast, but have also lived in other places too including Spain as a child.
I travel as much as possible, in the UK and Europe. 
As a family, growing up, my parents loved F1 and I've inherited this passion from them and now share it with my partner.
I also love baking, crafty things and hosting my friends and family for dinners.
Finally, favourite Northern Pasta shape?
It started off as Radiatori, but now I'm between Fusilli and Casarecce.